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God’s Economy

December 21, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Most kingdoms, countries, and/or governments have their own official currency…”coin of the realm,” if you will. The U.S. uses dollars, Japan uses yen, many European countries use the euro, etc. When we move from one country to another we must convert our foreign currency to local currency if we want to transact business or buy things.

What is the currency of God’s kingdom? Micah 6:6-8 got me thinking about the coin of God’s realm. God’s currency is unique. When we move into God’s kingdom through faith in Christ we have to convert our old, dead currency into His new, living currency. Many of us are not living the abundant life Christ wants for us because we’re operating on the old currency of works instead of the new currency of Grace.

No longer are we to do good works or participate in religion in order to appease an angry god or to bribe an aloof god in an effort to get him/her to bless us. The coin of God’s realm is His amazing grace through faith in Christ. Because of Jesus we live in victory and we exist in a state of grace. We aren’t trying to appease God, we’re striving to live in a manner worthy of the royal status He has conferred on us through faith in Christ. Motivations of guilt and shame have been replaced with a joyful desire to be like our Dad.

All our Lord requires is that we do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with Him (Micah 6:8). Let’s live and worship in joy!

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